/ Documentation /General/How to Handle Errors & Warnings in a Testing Tool?

How to Handle Errors & Warnings in a Testing Tool?

When you test your page/post with Google testing tool you might see some errors and warnings come up.

In this article, as an example we have considered Job Posting schema. But similar steps can work for all schema types. Let’s dive in.

Consider your page shows error in testing tool as shown below –

You can easily solve these errors and warnings. But first, let’s find out why they’re there in the first place.

Why You See Errors and Warning?


If you miss filling in required fields in the schema setting you will see these errors upon testing. When you submit a page to Google with such errors. You might not be eligible to have your page appear as rich snippets in the Google search results. So it is very important to fix these errors.


Warnings, on the other hand, are basically the recommended fields in the schema. They encourage your eligibility to appear in search results. Although they are not must-fill-in fields, they are important and we recommend you fill as many as recommended fields as possible or are applicable.

With zero errors and zero warnings you can get maximum benefits. 

How to Solve It?

Step 1: In testing tool, click on the schema type. The box will expand and will show you all the information you filled together with the exact field that has issues. 

For example – Let’s say a user missed a Job Description field which is a required field in Job Posting schema. He also missed selecting the Employment Type which is a recommended field. Hence he can see an “error” for Job Description and “warning” for Employment Type.

Step 2: To solve this, go back to your WordPress dashboard,and visit Settings > Schema Pro.

Edit Job Posting schema –

Step 3: Fill in the required and recommended fields – Job Description and Employment Type. 

Job description settings

Step 4: In case you have set values from particular page/post- edit the page/post you are testing. Scroll down to the bottom to find the schema settings for the Job Posting schema. Fill in the required details for both fields (required and recommended) as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 5: Then, test the page again in Google testing tool to see if errors and warnings are gone. If not, repeat the process until you see everything solved. 

In case you’re still having issues feel free to contact our support team, we’re happy to help.

As mentioned earlier you can follow the same steps to fix errors you found for any other schema type. Just instead of Job Posting find settings for schema type you are facing issue with.

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