/ Documentation /Getting Started/How to map fields with custom fields from third party plugins?

How to map fields with custom fields from third party plugins?

Schema Pro plugin lets you add a schema markup on your website. You can choose to map data from an existing field on your website or from a third party plugin that you’ve installed.

In this article, I will show you an example of how easy it is to map fields from your Yoast SEO plugin into Schema Pro.

Let us say, we are creating an Article Schema from an article that you have created on your website.

Once you have completed the setup, you can check the required fields and make sure that they are mapped correctly.

Lets say you wish to map the Description field with the Meta description field in Yoast SEO.

Yoast SEO meta description

For this, you’ll need to select the Select Other Custom Fields Here option from the dropdown menu.

Select Other Custom Field Option to Map Fields

Once selected, you’ll see another text field besides the dropdown menu. Start typing the field name from the third party plugin. Select the field when it appears below.

You have now mapped the Description field to the meta description in Yoast SEO.

Yoast meta description

Similarly, you can map any other fields from Yoast SEO, or any other third party plugin installed on your website.

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