/ Documentation /Developers/ How to Disable Corporate Contact Schema?

How to Disable Corporate Contact Schema?

With Schema Pro you get an option to add Corporate Contact schema. Here is the article that explains all settings.

This feature provides an option to enable ContactPoint schema on local_business and person schema type. This will add ContactPoint schema to both schema types at the same time. But if you wish to remove ContactPoint schema from one of the schema types, use the following filter.

Add the code into the child theme’s functions.php file.

add_filter( 'wp_schema_pro_contactpoint_local_business_schema_enabled', 'custom_disable_cp_schema', 10, 3 );
function custom_disable_cp_schema( $bool ) {
                 return false;

Important Note: You can replace $schema_type from the above filter. For example, to disable
Local_business schema, use the above filter as it is. But to disable person schema, replace filter like wp_schema_pro_contactpoint_person_schema_enabled

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