/ Documentation /General/ How to map required fields with Custom Fields?

How to map required fields with Custom Fields?

Custom Fields get mapped directly with Schema Pro. The moment you complete a setup of a schema markup, you will be taken to a page where you can edit the schema markup. This is where you can verify the mapped fields.

All you need to do is 🙂

  1. Create a schema or edit an existing schema for which you want to map the custom field.
  2. Select the required field and click on the dropdown menu besides it.
Map schema custom fields

Note: The required fields for every schema markup are mapped by default. However, we recommend you to cross check each field and the value it is mapped with. When you select New Custom Field in the drop down menu, a meta box gets automatically added under the specific pages/posts you’ve selected for this schema. This meta box will allow you to add custom values for these fields.

Schema Pro supports Advanced Custom Fields

Schema Pro supports all the custom fields created using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. The fields will get listed automatically when you are mapping the required fields of a schema. Look for the Advanced Custom Fields section within the drop-down menu.

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