/ Documentation /General/ How to Add an Extra Field for a Particular Schema Type in Schema Pro?

How to Add an Extra Field for a Particular Schema Type in Schema Pro?

Schema Pro allows you to add an extra field for a particular schema type.

You will need to use 2 filters to be able to add an extra field.

  1. wp_schema_pro_schema_meta_fields: This filter is used to add your extra field for mapping.
  2. wp_schema_pro_schema_{$schema_type}: This filter is used to map the extra field with schema field. Here $schema_type should be replaced with your schema type for which you wish to add an extra field. You can use the following schema types.   articlebookcourseeventjob_postinglocal_businessreviewpersonproduct,

Here is an example you can refer to:

Example: Add a field workExample in local_business Schema type. Add following code in your functions.php file. Here work-example is used as a key for the workExample field.

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'add_my_custom_meta_field' );
function add_my_custom_meta_field() {
	add_filter( 'wp_schema_pro_schema_meta_fields', 'my_extra_schema_field' );
	add_filter( 'wp_schema_pro_schema_local_business', 'my_extra_schema_field_mapping', 10, 3 );

 * Add fields for mapping.
 * @param  array $fields Mapping fields array.
 * @return array
function my_extra_schema_field( $fields ) {
	$fields['bsf-aiosrs-local-business']['subkeys']['work-example'] = array( // `bsf-aiosrs-book` used for Book, `bsf-aiosrs-event` will for Event like that.
		'label'    => esc_html__( 'workExample', 'wp-schema-pro' ), // Label to display in Mapping fields
		'type'     => 'text', // text/date/image
		'default'  => 'none',
		'required' => true, // true/false.

	return $fields;

 * Mapping extra field for schema markup.
 * @param  array $schema Schema array.
 * @param  array $data   Mapping fields array.
 * @return array
function my_extra_schema_field_mapping( $schema, $data, $post ) {

	if ( isset( $data['work-example'] ) && ! empty( $data['work-example'] ) ) {
		// For date/text type field
		$schema['workExample'] = esc_html( $data['work-example'] );

		// For image type field
		// $schema['workExample'] = BSF_AIOSRS_Pro_Schema_Template::get_image_schema( $data['work-example'] );
	return $schema;
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