/ Documentation /Getting Started/ Organization Type in the Setup Wizard

Organization Type in the Setup Wizard

In the Schema Pro setup wizard, on the General screen, you can select the most suitable type for your website. This helps Google to understand what your website is about.

Organization Type option lets you decide more specific type of your website. Below are the available options –

  • General/ Other
  • Corporation
  • Airline
  • Consortium
  • Educational Organization
    • College Or University
    • ElementarySchool
    • HighSchool
    • MiddleSchool
    • Preschool
    • School
  • Government Organization
  • Medical Organization
    • DiagnosticLab
    • Veterinary Care
  • NGO
  • Performing Group
    • Dance Group
    • Music Group
    • Theater Group
  • News Media Organization
  • Project
    • Research Project
    • Funding Agency
  • Sports Organization
    • Sports Team
  • Library System
  • Workers Union

In case you can’t find a type that applies exactly to your website, select generic “General/Other” type.

Further create Local Business schema that offers you more options for website type.

Here are steps you can follow –

Step 1 – If you are on the General screen, select General/Other type for Organization Type.

Step 2 – Continue filling options in the setup wizard. Last screen of the wizard lets you create a schema type. You can proceed creating a schema where you can add Local Business schema type.

In case you exit the setup wizard you can find option in dashboard under Schema Pro > Schemas. Here you can create a new schema and select Local Business type.

Step 3 – Once you see following screen, choose a Local Business type.

Step 4 – Next you can select target pages for the schema. We recommend you to apply this schema on home page and a page that contains contact information for website.

Apart from home and contact page you can apply this schema on other pages if required.

Step 5 – Click next and complete the setup.

Step 6 – You will be taken to the page where you can configure Local business schema. You can see number of fields on this page. Make sure you select your website type from Local Business Type list. To know each schema filed in detail refer a article here (Refer a “What Do These Fields Mean?” section in the article).

Step 7 – Once you are done filling all information on page, update the schema.

This completes the process of adding schema. Further you can test the schema easily from dashboard.

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