/ Documentation /General/ How to target specific areas of the website?

How to target specific areas of the website?

It is usually a tiring task when you have thousands of pages on your website. But, Schema Pro has made that easy!

You can include and exclude a number of pages and posts with a few clicks.

  1. Create a schema and select the type you wish to proceed with.
  2. Add pages/posts you wish to add this Schema on. You can also set an exclusion rule to hide schema on particular pages/posts.

Here you can select all the places you wish to use this schema on. You can add multiple

Let us take a quick look at the options you’ll see in the drop down list:

  • All Singulars: This includes all custom type posts and pages you have on your website. Selecting this option will enable the schema on all your custom type pages and posts.
  • All Posts: This includes all your posts; including custom type posts. When you select this option, this schema will be enabled for all the posts on your website.
  • All Pages: This includes all the pages in your website. When selected, this option enables this schema for all the pages on your website.
  • Specific pages and posts: This option lets you target particular pages/posts or categories on your website. Selecting this option will give you another box below where you can start entering the name of the page, post or category and select it from the list that appears. This will make sure that the schema will be applied to only the selected pages/posts/ category.

Very often you want to show a markup for a particular category but prefer excluding a page in it. This is where you can use exclusion rules.

In case you already have an existing schema markup and wish to edit the target page settings, you can do so by editing the schema and set target pages as shown below.

Target page setting

You can now be sure that the schema will show up only for those pages of posts you’ve selected above! 

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