/ Documentation /General/How to Use the Schema Pro plugin?

How to Use the Schema Pro plugin?

Schema Pro plugin provides you an interface to implement schema on your web pages.

Once you purchase the plugin, you can download and install it like any other plugin.

After activation, Schema Pro and then the Schema tab in the plugin interface.

You can click on the Add New button to create a new Schema. This will prompt you to select the schema type you wish to create.

Schema type

You will then be taken to the next step where you need to select the targeted pages/posts for the schema.

Click on the complete setup button. You are then taken to the post edit page where you can see the details of the schema you just created. Here, you can map the required fields, cross check details and more.

How it Looks:

Schema edit post screenshot

As seen in the screenshot above, there is a Meta box Schema Settings. This is where you’ll find 4 different areas of settings.

  1. Schema Type: This option is used to select a schema type, like Article, Event etc. All schema types are listed in the dropdown menu.
  2. Enable On: This option is used to set the enable on rules for current schema. You can select the pages/posts you wish to show it for or the ones you wish to exclude.
  3. Guideline: Google has set a few guidelines for every schema type. We have added this link here, so that you can refer to these guidelines before you proceed publishing the schema.
  4. Schema Fields: This is where you’ll find all required and recommended fields for the current schema type. Fields are dependent on Schema type. All fields can be mapped with Global/Post meta/Custom options. You can refer to the article that will explain you how you can map schema fields.
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