/ Documentation /General/Skip Rendering Invalid Schema

Skip Rendering Invalid Schema

With Schema Pro version 2.0 and greater you get a option to skip rendering invalid schema.

What is invalid schema?

In every schema type there are few required fields that are marked with asterisk sign (*).

Schema Pro version 2.0, makes all schema fields available on single pages and posts. Editing single page/post you will see all schema fields available for editing.

You will observe a few of the fields with an asterisk sign (*). If you have not set any value for such required fields they will appear in RED color (as shown in the following screenshot).

When required fields are not filled they generate invalid schema.

How to test if invalid schema is added?

As shown in the above screenshot, the ‘Article Image’ field is marked with an asterisk sign (*). This field does not have any value and hence marked with red color.

If you test this page with  Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool you will observe error for this.

You will see such errors for all required fields those do not have any value set.

How the option ‘Skip Rendering Invalid Schema’ will help?

Google guidelines says –

Specify all required properties for your rich result type. Items that are missing required properties are not eligible for rich results.

Source – General structured data guidelines

So having error in schema markup can affect generating rich snippet.

The option ‘Skip Rendering Invalid Schema’ will not generate and render schema that has errors.

So when you enable this setting under Settings > Schema Pro > Configuration > Advanced Settings, schema markup for the pages/posts where the invalid schema is present will not be rendered.

In our example, enabling option will skip rendering Article schema on a the page. And the Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool will look like –

Note: Schema types those have required field empty will be skipped only. Other schemas on the same page will be rendered successfully.

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