/ Documentation /General/ Compatibility with External plugins

Compatibility with External plugins

Schema Pro is a standalone plugin. It works directly on the WordPress environment without any page builder or third-party plugin dependency.

The below-listed plugin works fine with our Schema Pro.

  • Yoast SEO
  • RankMath

Schema Pro is one of those rare plugins which can play well with many external plugins. If there is a problem when any other plugin is used with Schema Pro, it does not mean there is a bug in the Schema Pro plugin. First, you should check if there is a problem with the other plugin (since Schema Pro currently works without any issues in every aspect of its publicized features). Then you must see if the problem exists when the other plugin is de-activated, and WP Schema is activated.

Only after such steps and more analysis can we at WP Schema devote any time or resources to see whether or not there is something in WP Schema that can be fixed, enhanced or improved to make it work better with the external plugin in question if that external plugin is not the source of the problem.

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