/ Documentation /General/How to Rollback a Schema Pro Plugin to the Previous Version

How to Rollback a Schema Pro Plugin to the Previous Version

Has a recent Schema Pro update caused unexpected compatibility issues to your WordPress website? Don’t worry, we will guide you on this!

Sometimes, new versions can introduce compatibility issues or unexpected changes that might not align with your existing setup. But there’s no need to worry —reverting to a previous version can often be the solution to restore stability and functionality.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of rolling back Schema Pro to a previous version, which allows you to quickly resolve any conflicts and regain control over your website’s schema markup.

How to Rollback a Schema Pro Plugin to the Previous Version

You can follow the below steps to Rollback a Schema Pro Plugin to the Previous Version.

1. Click on the Settings menu in your WordPress Dashboard.

2. Click “Schema Pro” from the settings option in your WordPress dashboard.

How to Rollback a Schema Pro Plugin to the Previous Version

3. Click on “Plugin Settings” Tab”.

How to Rollback a Schema Pro Plugin to the Previous Version

4 . Click on the Rollback option drop-down to select your desired version to rollback at the bottom right.

How to Rollback a Schema Pro Plugin to the Previous Version

5. Click the Rollback Button to start the rollback once you select your desired version.

6. A confirmation popup will appear for your rollback. Once you check the version in the popup and find it correct as per your selection then click the continue button and your Rollback will be done.

How to Rollback a Schema Pro Plugin to the Previous Version

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