Rich Snippets for Recipe / Food Blog

Watch Walk-through Video
What Is the Recipe Schema?

How to Add Recipe Schema Markup?
Select Schema Type
Click on Recipe schema type from the Schema Pro interface.
Select Target Pages
Select the posts or categories where you want to implement it.
Verify and Publish
Verify or modify the automatically mapped fields and publish.
Make Your Recipe Look Stunning With Complete Structured Data
Implement complete and accurate schema markup filling up all the recommended and helpful fields you need for better results.
A self explanatory title that reveals what you are making
Your recipe title can reveal a lot more information than you think. A title like Easy-to-make cakes for the health conscious will attract more people than just a title that says Easy recipe to bake a cake.

Use nutritional value as your main selling point to attract readers
There might be tens, hundreds or even thousands of recipes that bake a cake. But, when you say yours is a healthy recipe and displays a higher nutritional value, you are likely to generate curiosity and bring in more readers.
A tempting image that shows the outcome of the recipe
Visual proofs always work! Therefore, displaying an image as a part of your rich snippet gives users an idea of what to expect. It also makes your result stand out and increases chances of them clicking on you.

Time matters: Give people a realistic idea of the time it’ll take for preparation
Today, when speed is everything, people want to know how fast things can be done. Similarly, when you tell them the preparation and cooking time, they know the exact time required and will opt for your recipe confidently.