/ Documentation /General/ Create a Custom Fields

Create a Custom Fields

Schema Pro allows you to add custom fields for posts and pages which you can map with the respective fields in a schema. These custom fields appear in meta boxes that can be created using Schema Pro.

You do not have to follow any additional steps to create these custom fields. We’ve made that quite simple for you!

Custom Fields get added automatically when you select New Custom Field in the drop down menu while mapping a field.

Map schema custom fields

You will now see a meta box with all the custom fields added under the pages or posts where you have activated this schema on.

Where do you see these Meta boxes?

After you’ve selected a New Custom Field for one or more fields in a schema, you’ll find a meta box added under all the posts and pages where the schema is applied..

This is how the meta box we just created will look under the post editing screen.

Meta custom fields
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