/ Documentation /Getting Started/ How to Add a Schema markup for an “How To” Article?

How to Add a Schema markup for an “How To” Article?

“How to” articles are loved by search engines and users too! They are those precise articles that answer a particular query and give step wise instructions on how one can accomplish a particular goal. With several competitors writing similar articles, you can make yours stand out with a rich snippet!


HowTo schema is deprecated according to new google guidelines. For more information on this, we request you to go through this article: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2023/08/howto-faq-changes

In this article we’ll see how we can implement a schema markup for an How To article you may have on your website.

1. Create a new Schema markup by going to Schemas tab in the Schema Pro interface in WordPress dashboard. Click on Add New.

2. Select the type of schema as HowTo.

Select the schema type how to

3. Select pages / posts you wish to use this for. You can add display rules and also exclude pages and posts you want to exempt this schema on.

How-to schema type

You can refer to an article to know more about how you can target specific pages and posts.

4. You can then complete the setup and proceed mapping the required properties with fields that you already have on your website. Mapping is done by default. However, we recommend you to check the mapping and make sure your required fields get the right values.

Schema Implementation for how to

Lets take a look at the list of Schema Properties you need to fill for the HowTo schema markup.

Schema type fill properties of how-to
  • Name: This is name you want to give this article. It can be the Title or anything you wish.
  • URL: The URL where this article is published.
  • Description: You can choose to what you wish to display as a description of the article.
  • Image: Pick an image you think should be displayed in the rich snippet.
  • Steps: You can add multiple steps with the name, description and image for each.

Not sure how you can map these fields? You can refer to this article that gives you a clear picture of the fields you see in the drop down menu.

5. Publish the schema!

6. Test your schema markup to see that its set well. Testing can be done with just a single click. Here is an article that will show you how you can test your schema.

You are all set to see your HowTo articles attracting readers through search engine results!

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