/ Documentation /Schema Type/ FAQ Schema Pro Block for Gutenberg

FAQ Schema Pro Block for Gutenberg

Schema Pro plugin offers a exclusive Gutenberg block to add FAQ section with inbuilt schema support.

With this block you can design a beautiful FAQ section on Gutenberg page with lots of customization options.

This automatically adds FAQ schema to the page/post that helps you improve search rankings.

Let’s explore what amazing settings this block offers and how it works –

How to Add FAQ-Schema Pro Block?

When you have the Schema Pro plugin activated, you will see this block appearing in the Gutenberg editor in the block list.

This block will have a parent-child structure. Under a FAQ parent block, you can add as many child blocks as required.

You can add content – questions and answers – in child block and apply styling from FAQ parent block

Steps to use this block –

Step 1 – Edit the page/post with Gutenberg editor and click to add new block.

Step 2 – Search for FAQ-Schema Pro block and select it.

Step 3 – Add questions and answers with FAQ child elements. Note that you need to replace dummy content in the block otherwise your schema might show error in the schema testing tool.

Add faq option

Step 4 – Configure styling of the block with FAQ parent element.

Key Features

  • Choose from inbuild layouts – Accordion or Grid
  • Style question and answers separately
  • Style the FAQs with colors, typography, and borders

Inbuilt Layouts – Accordion or Grid

The block offers two ready made layouts with total customization options. These are most suitable layouts for FAQ sections and are easy to manage.

Accordion layout stacks questions vertically. You can collapse or expand each question.

Choosing Accordion layout will give you following controls –

  • Collapse other items
  • Expand First Item
  • Enable Toggle
  • Icon – Expand, Collapse
  • Icon Alignment
Faq accordion layout

Choosing Grid layout will give you following controls –

  • Desktop/Tablet/Mobile Columns
  • Left/Middle/Right Alignment
Faq grid layout

Inbuilt Schema Support

The block adds FAQ schema automatically to the page/post. You don’t have to take any manual action to add appropriate schema.

Once you add a FAQ block you can test a page to see schema applied by a block.

When you are enabling schema support make sure you have valid question and answers added.

Style FAQs

You get control to set colors, spacing, borders, thickness etc. to each element in the block.

You can set different styling for questions and answers.

To style FAQ block you need to select parent block first.

Faq schema parent block

Note: Schema Pro already provides FAQ schema type option. But this is different than FAQ Schema pro block for Gutenberg. Read the difference between FAQ Schema Type & FAQ Schema Pro Block (for Gutenberg ).

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