Build Effective How-to Pages With Schema Markup

How-to pages are useful to help users achieve a particular output. You can describe each step in detail and attach images/videos to make it easy for users. Along with making how-to page attractive, you need to make sure that the content reaches to target audience.

Adding HowTo structured data to such pages can benefit your content and help them rank higher in search results. With this Google, can understands that the content is of type how-to. So when users search for how-to information and if your website provides a solution, your content might get a chance to rank at the top.

With Schema Pro, we are now introducing HowTo Schema Type. This will help you adding HowTo schema to pages/post easily.

Adding HowTo Schema to Pages

Schema Pro provides easy process to add HowTo schema.

1. Enable HowTo Schema – Add new schema and select HowTo type.

2. Set Target Locations – Select website locations where you wish to apply this schema.

3. Set Global Values – Once you are done with enabling schema type, you can add few global values for – Title, Description and Total Time (time required to complete the procedure/steps),

4. Add HowTo Schema Values – Edit page/post to find settings for Schema Pro – HowTo. Fill all required values from –

  • Name/ Title of the procedure
  • Description of the procedure
  • Total Time required to complete the procedure.
  • List of required materials.
  • List of required tools.
  • Steps – Add all details about each step.

And you are done! Refer to HowTo Schema article for more details.

Test HowTo Schema in one click

Once you are done adding HowTo schema you can test it with the testing tool in one click. .

Here is a document that will help.

Implement HowTO Schema Today

Update your Schema Pro plugin to latest version to start using HowTo schema feature.

In case of any query contact our support team. Let us know how you like this update in the comments below.

See you next time! Stay safe!

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2 thoughts on “Build Effective How-to Pages With Schema Markup”

  1. Thank you!

    The update came at the right time and I’m already experimenting with it.
    I will post an update as soon as I perfect my HowTo pages.

    Thanks once again Schema Pro team!

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